Since then, I have been slowly building my collection of the movies and
tv shows that I enjoy and prefer a physical version.
Today, I am adding two Star Wars movies to my collection:
Both these movies, I recall watching it on IMAX with my wife.. Fun
times. Obviously, I enjoyed it a lot more than she did. But, I really
appreciate that I shared this moment with her.ย
I didn't purchase them brand new; instead, I bought both movies on eBay,
and they are in great condition. I prefer buying used items because they
are significantly cheaper, and there's something oddly satisfying about
acquiring something that someone else no longer wanted. It's like the
universe balancing things out in its own peculiar manner.ย
My collection as at June 2024:
I envision my collection as a highly curated one, which means its growth
may not be rapid. However, I plan to continuously add to it over time.