Unfiltered by MereCivilian
April 5th, 2024

👨‍💻 Aeromatic: app for AeroPress lovers

This is the app for AeroPress fans.


What you need to know?

  • Well designed... Clean.. slick. Really dig the icons and images used in the app. 
  • Step by step instructions with timer and alerts (alerts sometimes interferes with the music being played on device)
  • Sub categories: for example, can see all the ice coffee recipes or all recipes that won the AeroPress Championships.
  • Multi platform: iOS and Android (currently there is no sync between the platforms)
  • Recipes from all over the place with YouTube links
  • Works on Android foldables
  • Ability to add your own recipes 
  • Ability to view specific recipes for AeroPress device (Go) or for AeroPress accessories (fellow prismo)
Android app on Pixel Fold
  • Ability to randomly pick a recipe for people who cannot decide which recipe they want to brew..that's me sometimes 
  • Track your coffee beans 
  • Grinder support: tells you exactly the grinder settings for your specific grinder. 
  • Generous free tier
  • Affordable one time purchase (USD7.99) specific to each platform. 
  • No Mac app
  • Really like the iconÂ