Unfiltered by MereCivilian
March 29th, 2024

๐Ÿ’Ž Discovery: middle of nowhere

While returning from Hanging Rock (in Victoria, Australia), I stumbled across this coffee shop. Hidden in nature, it was a great discovery. I was craving coffee โ˜•.ย 

Location link

It appears to be a farm, operated by a family, who has set up a coffee place near it's entrance.

What was interesting is I overheard a conversation the lady (owner) was having with a patron. Now, today is Good Friday. It's. Public holiday. The patron was saying something along the lines that on public holidays, he gets paid double or trouble time. The owner said, for her double or triple times zero is still zero. This is the reality of today. Small businesses trying to do what's necessary to keep going. As an worker who has always enjoyed paid time off on public holidays, I had forgotten the reality of many small business who face huge costs to open doors on public holidays.

I am not suggesting that this business is struggling. They were busy and the coffee was good and most importantly they where open when countless others were closed.

Anyway, I enjoyed my coffee and actually spent some time there just walking and enjoying the peace of quiet.ย