Unfiltered by MereCivilian
April 1st, 2024

🚗 Driving for ENOUGH

Think about it for a minute. What exactly are you driving towards?

No, seriously, think about it for a second. I'll stay here until then.

Since I can remember, even before leaving university, I've desired a job that allowed me to prioritize my family in both difficult and happy times, essentially, a family first approach. Because we only have 24 hours in a day, maintaining balance is crucial. Even the most successful person on Earth has the same 24 hours a day.  

Therefore, my aim in life has always been driving to towards striking this balance (towards life) and that is enough for me. Therefore, instead of driving towards infinity, I was and still am only driving towards ENOUGH.

Regardless of the path chosen, there are sacrifices and opportunity costs that arise. One cannot dedicate their entire life to their career and expect a fulfilling family life. Perhaps one can, but that one is not me. Similarly, I cannot expect to have a luxurious house and expensive cars when my working hours a limited and my desire for any side income contradicts with my desire towards striking the life balance I defined earlier.

Knowing what is enough for you is vital and I am glad, from a very early age, I have had that clarity and focus.Â