Unfiltered by MereCivilian
May 16th, 2024

🌄 Wānaka

✈️ travel

I am angry as I am writing this post so please forgive me if that comes through.

This morning, like all mornings in this trip, we had a late start. However, this time there is a reason. Late last night, my son had an accident. Seeing lots of blood, we rushed him to the local hospital. Thankfully, this was a case of panicked parents rather than a serious emergency. Thankfully, it was nothing serious. We, rightfully slept in. Throughout this experience I was super stressed. I am so attached to my son. At times, that scares me.

Eventually, we made it on the road to Wanaka.

Wānaka (Māori pronunciation: [ˈwaːnaka]) is a popular ski and summer resort town in the Otago region of the South Island of New Zealand. The journey to Wanaka is even more amazing. Crown Range Road is a road that connects Queenstown and Wanaka. It is New Zealand's highest main road at 1121 meters above sea level, and it is steep with hairpin turns – an exciting and scenic drive!

As beautiful the road is, I probably will advice against travelling on a rainy day and/or when the the weather is bad. The drive to Wanaka was enjoyable and scenic.

What we did in Wanaka?

Puzzling World
Largely, a kids focused activity and I recommend it for kids. My wife and son went. I went to Roy’s Peak. The images are from the Puzzling World website.