Unfiltered by MereCivilian
May 20th, 2024

📝 White Board is invaluable

🖥️ setup

Few months ago, I bought a whiteboard for my study. It’s decent sized at 90cm by 60cm.

I realized I needed a tool close at hand to jot down my thoughts. When brainstorming, a whiteboard is incredibly useful. Most meeting rooms at work come equipped with a large whiteboard. There's something about writing on a whiteboard that encourages thorough thinking. Presenters using a whiteboard often command more attention. The effort taken to write information on a whiteboard signals its importance to the audience.

In my study, there is no audience. I am the only audience.

The whiteboard has become my primary tool for writing anything and everything. Even my wife uses it to jot down tasks for me—it's her personal to-do list for me.

I'm planning to get another one and place it right next to the current one, as there is plenty of space. I installed it on the right door in my study so the bare left door is screaming for a whiteboard. 

For now, I may hold off. I don’t need another whiteboard for my wife to tell me what to do 😂