⏰ Why I waited for daylight savings to end before joining the 5am club?
There was a time when I consistently was up around 5am every single day. Despite not being a morning person, I pushed myself to start my day earlier therefore setting me up for success. However, this isn’t necessary and there are many people who wake up late but are very successful. For me, I am generally in much better mood if give myself the hour before my day starts.
Anyway, for the last few years, especially after my son was born, my morning routine has been not existent. I wanted to fix that but I didn’t have the willpower. I wanted to get up early, meditate, exercise and just have an hour to myself.
Daylight savings ended on Sunday (7 April) and I have waited for this day to arrive for months. So when daylight saving started back on 1 October 2023, one hour was added to the clock. So when daylight saving ended, we reversed this move by winding clocks back by an hour.
During daylight saving time, I usually got up around 6am so when daylight saving ended, this 6am became 5am and that is exactly what I took advantage off. This is the willpower I needed. To keep my mind fooled, I kept my bedroom clock on daylight saving time. So when my alarm on my phone rings at 5am, my clock in the bedroom shows 6am and my body automatically jumps out of bed.
Two days in, my strike rate is at 100%. I have got up at 5am and made it count. Two days is hardly a trend but it’s a start.
I am tracking this the old fashion way. So satisfying to mark each day as success.