Unfiltered by MereCivilian
August 5th, 2024

⛑️ Life Update #2

🛟 life

On 17th June 2024, I wrote my first life update on this blog with a promise to provide a weekly update. Well, that did not happen. I am extremely disappointed with myself. However, as my mum says, you cannot unscramble an egg. So, let's focus on what I can do instead of dwelling on what's been done (or not done in my case).

The only thing I successfully did was to be without alcohol until today. My Dry July challenge was successfully completed by 1 August, but it was only today that I had my first drop of alcohol. It was 2 glasses of very good organic red wine. I waited until today because I told myself that I will not drink alone at home. I have decided to only drink alcohol on social occasions. 

I am still prioritizing my wellbeing, but my diet hasn't been ideal for the past 6 weeks. On 17 June 2024, my weight was 87.3kg, and today it is 85.6kg. This means I have lost 1.7kg in 6 weeks. While it's not a significant reduction, it's moving in the right direction, which gives me hope.

Until my next life update, please stay well.